Material: uPVC
Construction Depth: 70 mm
Glazing: Supports units up to 41 mm (standard unit: 24 mm)
Security: Equipped with two anti-burglar latches per sash
Thermal Efficiency: 1.0 Uw for Ug = 0.7 (the Ultimate frame) - The above value of Uw is given for a reference window with dimensions of 1230 x 1480 mm.
5 chambres
2 gaskets
The Aluplast 4000 is one of our most versatile systems, ideal for modern single-family and multi-family housing, as well as renovation projects. Combining economy with standard solutions, the Aluplast 4000 defines practicality and reliability in contemporary architecture.
Die männliche Schaufensterpuppe mountainbike wurde entworfen, um Mountainbiker in Aktion darzustellen. Eine perfekte Inszenierung für die Downhill-Ausrüstung kann mit dieser Mountainbike-Fahrradschaufensterpuppe erreicht werden.
Als echter Blickfang wird diese männliche Fahrrad-Schaufensterpuppe in Aktion die Aufmerksamkeit auf Ihre neuesten Fahrradmodelle in Ihrer Verkaufsstelle lenken.
Die Stabilität wird durch die Metallbasis gewährleistet.
Diese Schaufensterpuppe wird auf einer Palette geliefert.
Das Fahrrad ist nicht im Lieferumfang der Schaufensterpuppe enthalten.
Pour un nettoyage des vitres sans traces
Raclette ergonomique pour un nettoyage sans traces.
Caoutchouc vert haute performance de glisse et durabilite.
Mouilleur avec tampon à recurer integre pour eliminer les saletes les plus tenaces.
Compose de :
Raclette avec caoutchouc vert
Mouilleur complet avec revêtement
Seau 18L
Conditionnement:à l'unite
forme rettangolari
inclinazioni, archi e cerchi – richiede disposizioni dettagliate
La dotazione standard comprende
Profondità telaio e anta legno 68 mm (disponibile 78 e 92 mm)
Esterno: profilo in alluminio (per le forme consultare la scheda MODELLI)
Interno: pino, meranti o rovere (per le forme consultare la scheda MODELLI)
Tre guarnizioni
Doppio vetro 4/16Ar/4
Ug = 1,1 W / m2K
Riempito con Argon
Chiusura antieffrazione nell'anta RU e risalti antieffrazione
Blocco rotazione maniglia
Realizzato in metallo
Forma ergonomica
Elevata durabilità
Colore standard: bianco, marrone
Colori opzionali: oro antico, argento, champagne, titanio
nel colore delle maniglie delle finestre
facoltativo: nessuno visibile
profondità (telaio e apertura) 70 mm
apertura di 120 o 105 mm
Soglia da 20 mm
Aperto a:
al di fuori
il pannello coibentato o i pannelli di vetro
spessore: 24 ÷ 36 mm
forme rettangolari
inclinazioni, archi a 1 raggio, archi multiraggio, cerchi, colture oculari, ecc. – richiedono disposizioni dettagliate
La specifica standard include
Profondità telaio e anta 68 mm (disponibile 78 e 92 mm)
Profilo esterno (alluminio) classico e interno (legno) tradizionale
Pino MICRO, altre essenze disponibili (larice, meranti o rovere)
Tre guarnizioni
Doppio vetro 4/16Ar/4
U g 1,1 W/m 2 K (valore U dell'unità di vetro)
Riempito con Argon
Lo spessore del vetrocamera: 24 ÷ 36 mm per 68 mm
apertura verso l'interno (Anta/Ribalta)
Realizzato in metallo
Colore standard: bianco, marrone
Colori opzionali: oro antico, argento, champagne, titanio
nel colore delle maniglie delle finestre
opzionale: nessuna visibile
forme rettangolari
inclinazioni, archi – offerti, ma richiedono accordi dettagliati
La dotazione standard comprende
Profondità della struttura del telaio e dell'anta 68 mm (o 78 | 92 mm)
anta della porta, larghezza 136 mm (a richiesta 106 mm)
Profilo con linea morbida
Legno di pino, meranti o rovere
Due guarnizioni attorno al perimetro dell'ala
Soglia bassa 32 mm con 2 punti di tenuta per guarnizioni (altre soglie vedere scheda 'accessori')
Direzione di apertura da scegliere
verso l'interno
al di fuori
Pannello batch piatto o
pannello batch con ornamenti o
unità di vetro (altri riempimenti – vedere la scheda "accessori")
Lo spessore dell'imbottitura: 24 ÷ 36 mm (per 68 mm)
Cerniere Simonswerk Baka Protect 3D, regolabili su 3 piani
Catenaccio automatico a 3 punti
Cilindro standard di classe A
Realizzato in metallo
Su un piatto
Elevata durabilità
Maniglia a D esterna/maniglia interna opzionale
Mannequin Bust Man, graue Farbe auf Metallgestell montiert, normale Größe mit Zement-Finish für einen zeitgemäßen und avantgardistischen Effekt.
Es ist eine Büste mit abnehmbaren Armen, leicht anpassbar und spiegelt die aktuellen Trends perfekt wider.
Neu und hochwertig.
Höhe: 70 cm
Schultern: 119cm
Brustumfang: 98 cm
Classic windows integrate elegantly into the structure of the home, with their fine wooden frames, accompanied by details such as corners and their sections.
Europrofile wood, triple layered 68x78 mm, from NORDIC PIN or exotic wood - MERANTI.
Insulated glass float + lowe - 24 mm.
Aluminum teardrop Gutmann.
EPDM gasket.
ROTO NT hardware.
REMMERS exterior water-based paint resistant to mechanical shocks and UV, applied in 3 starts.
Perfil clase B
- Clase de perfil
- Uw desde 0,79 w/m2K
- Tu factor
- Unidad de doble acristalamiento
- El número de ventanas en el estándar.
- Profundidad del perfil - 70 mm
- Profundidad del perfil
- Maco Multimatic
- Accesorios
- Asa de transporte, moldura bajo el umbral
Système de portes coulissantes dans le même plan qui donne la possibilité d'ouvrir les deux vantaux à la fois pour profiter au maximum de l'extérieur.
La diversité de couleurs donne la possibilité d’intégrer les coulissantes dans le style de construction.
Ideal pour les régions climatiques chaudes, le système est souple et apporte de lumière naturelle par une grande surface vitrée.
Fenster Fliegengitter
Tür Fliegengitter
Hauptsächlich Alu Rahmen, Netze und Befestigungen
Marken: Tesa, EasyLife, Protecto
Volumen: ca. 50 Paletten oder 1 Container 40‘
Menge: ca. 33.000 Stk. (Auflistung vorhanden).
Interne Artikelnummer: GH_EAS11811.
Entdecken Sie unser Angebot an hochwertigem Insektenschutz-Zubehör für Fenster und Türen! Wir bieten eine breite Auswahl an Produkten, die aus einer Geschäftsauflösung stammen und zu einem attraktiven Preis erhältlich sind.
Unsere Insektenschutz-Produkte eignen sich perfekt für den Einsatz in großen Mengen. Wir bieten spezielle Angebote für den Großhandel und freuen uns darauf, mit Ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten, um Ihr Geschäft zu unterstützen.
Le tapparelle, chiamate anche tapparelle, vengono installate solo nella fase di costruzione dell'edificio o durante la sostituzione delle strutture in legno delle finestre negli edifici già esistenti. Il cassonetto delle tende a rullo in questo caso viene applicato sul telaio di finestre o porte. Le guide vengono avvitate alla parte esterna del telaio della finestra e solo successivamente il tutto viene installato nel vano della finestra. Il cassonetto delle persiane alla fine è invisibile e le persiane sembrano far parte delle finestre.
Per i modelli seguenti sono disponibili guide in PVC o alluminio per tapparelle
Büsten von Stoffpuppen ohne Köpfe und mit beweglichen Holzarmen sind ideal, um Ihr Image und Ihre trendigsten Kleidungsstücke zu bewerben.
Auch ohne Kleidung eignet sich diese Büste perfekt, um Ihre Accessoires wie Handtaschen, Schmuck oder Schals zu präsentieren.
Unsere genähten Büsten lassen sich leicht in die Gestaltung Ihres Geschäfts integrieren.
Verschiedene Stoffe und Designs sind für diese maßgeschneiderte Büste erhältlich, mit der Sie Ihre neuesten Kollektionen in Ihren Geschäften, Showrooms und Schaufenstern präsentieren können.
forme rettangolari
inclinazioni, archi a 1 raggio, archi multiraggio, cerchi, colture oculari, ecc. – richiedono disposizioni dettagliate
La dotazione standard comprende
Profondità telaio e anta 68 mm (disponibile 78 e 92 mm)
Profilo dalla linea moderna
Pino MICRO, altre essenze disponibili (larice, meranti o rovere)
Due guarnizioni
Doppio vetro 4/16Ar/4
U g di vetro = 1,1 W/m 2 K
Riempito con Argon
Lo spessore del vetrocamera: 24 ÷ 36 mm per 68 mm
apertura verso l'interno (Anta/Ribalta)
Realizzato in metallo
Forma ergonomica
Elevata durabilità
Colore standard: bianco, marrone
Colori opzionali: oro antico, argento, champagne, titanio
nel colore delle maniglie delle finestre
opzionale: nessuna visibile
sistema studiato per realizzare porte con anta portante e scorrevole
telai a 2 o 3 binari, che consente porte con ampio passaggio
possibilità di installazione ad angolo leggero
3 camere con isolamento termico
profondità dei profilati: telaio 174 mm (2 binari), 271 mm (3 binari), anta 77 mm
comode soluzioni con soglia bassa
diverse possibilità di installazione: da 2 a 6 moduli
Il sistema MB-77HS è disponibile anche nella seguente versione:
MB-77HS HI (profili con isolamento termico maggiorato)
fatto di metallo
forma ergonomica
colore standard: bianco, marrone, RAL 9006 (argento)
colore opzionale: RAL opzionale
La falegnameria viene verniciata con vernici Teknos all'acqua, ecologiche, trasparenti o opache. Di serie il colore interno ed esterno sono identici. Verniciamo con vernici di rivestimento e sulle cosiddette macchianti, ovvero vernici che rendono visibile la struttura del legno. I colori base del rivestimento sono bianco (secondo RAL 9016) o marrone (RAL 8017). Altri sono disponibili pagando un piccolo costo aggiuntivo. Non applichiamo sovrapprezzi per ordini di importo maggiore. Il colore del rivestimento deve essere determinato secondo il modello RAL o NCS. In casi particolari, i colori vengono selezionati individualmente.
Presentiamo di seguito i colori delle macchie, ma la colorazione effettiva potrebbe differire da quella del monitor. I colori delle tinte sono suddivisi in gruppi di prezzo e sono presentati di seguito; su ogni tipo di legno il colore della stessa macchia è leggermente diverso.
Gamme des menuiseries extérieures en PVC spécialement conçue pour un maximum de confort thermique et acoustique, sécurité et longue durée de vie. Le meilleur rapport qualité-prix pour une fenêtre en PVC!
1. Profil Salamander greenEvolution 76
Profilés de fenêtres en PVC, avec 6 chambres d’isolation d’une épaisseur de 76mm.
2. Renforts standard
Fenêtre en PVC renforcée avec acier résistant à la corrosion de 1,5 mm (en option de 2 mm pour le dormant et 2 / 2,5 pour l’ouvrant) et 2mm pour la porte en PVC.
3. Vitrage Isolant ITR
Triple vitrage isolant de 48 mm ou double vitrage isolant de 36 - 28 mm, intercalaire à bord chaud DuraTherm.
4. Joints de fenêtre
gris pour les fenêtres en coloris blanc et noir pour les fenêtres en coloris divers.
5. Ligne moderne
Les principaux éléments de construction ont un design droit.
6. Système de profils à triple joint d’étanchéité.
Pour une isolation thermique renforcée.
Quincaillerie Maco
Fenêtre en PVC équipée en standard des fonctions anti-effraction, ventilation economique et anti fausse manœuvre.
Coefficient de transfert thermique
de jusqu’à Uw = 0,75 W/(m²K)*.
* Calculé pour une fenêtre de test aux dimensions standard, 1230 x 1480 mm.
Traditional-Wood-Turn & Tilt Window
Wooden inward opening windows based on German technology of ironmongery (Turn & Tilt or Tilt & Turn).
The traditional design is based on the time-honoured construction and classic look of our wooden windows. More than 3 different designs are available.
We supply windows manufactured from multi-layered laminated woods in Mahogany and Pine designed not to twist or warp. Other woods including oak and larch will be supplied for special projects where the volume is of sufficient size to not make the cost too prohibitive.
With a variety of RAL colours, decorative bars and finishings, as well as the wide selection of accessories that we have to offer, windows can be created according to any tastes or needs.
Depth of frame :68mm | 78mm | 92mm
gaskets:2 or 3
glass unit :double or triple
finishing:Soft-line, Hard-Line, or Retro
U-value for total window :from 1.3 up to 0.8 W/m2K (ask for details).
Balcony (Casement) door is suitable especially for terrace and garden entrances and allows smooth transition from interior to exterior.
The difference between balcony door and entrance door is mainly the width of the door leaf. Balcony (Casement) door leaf is as smooth as window leaf, handle is mostly inward only.
Our Balcony (Casement) doors are available with two types of thresholds: standard or low.
We supply windows manufactured from multi-layered laminated woods in Mahogany and Pine designed not to twist or warp. Other woods including oak and larch will be supplied for special projects where the volume is of sufficient size to not make the cost too prohibitive.
With a variety of RAL colours, decorative bars and finishings, as well as the wide selection of accessories that we have to offer, windows can be created according to any tastes or needs.
Depth of frame :68mm | 78mm | 92mm
glass unit :double or triple
finishing:Soft-line or Retro
design available:Eco | Classic | Traditional
threshold:standard or low
U-value for total window :from 1.3 up to 0.8 W/m2K (ask for details)
Die Beschriftung Ihrer Schaufenster sollte Ihr Leistungsangebot optimal zur Geltung bringen.
Gerne übernehmen wir die Gestaltung und den Entwurf nach Ihren Wünschen oder realisieren fertige Gestaltungskonzepte. Hergestellt werden unsere Schaufensterbeschriftungen im Folienplottverfahren aus Hochleistungsfolien und im Digitaldruckverfahren.
Die Verklebung erfolgt auf oder hinter Glas. Natürlich gehören auch Schilder, 3D Buchstaben und Leuchttransparente in unser Programm.
Number of chambers: 5-chamber frame
Depth of installation: 70 mm
Renovation: 40 or 65mm fin
Heat transfer coefficient: 1,0 Uw for Ug = 0,7 (ultimate frame)*
Gaskets: 2 gaskets
Glazing: till 41mm
Security: two anti-burglar latches per sash
Available cores colors: cream in mass, brown,
anthracite, whiteTry architectur
Guarantee: 5 years
* Applies to 1230/1480 reference window.
The Aluplast 4000 is one of our most versatile systems, ideal for modern single-family and multi-family housing, as well as renovation projects. Combining economy with standard solutions, the Aluplast 4000 defines practicality and reliability in contemporary architecture
Pour un nettoyage precis des vitres
Raclette pouvant couvrir une zone de travail allant jusqu'à 180°.
Poignee ergonomique adaptee à la morphologie de la main pour plus de confort.
Mouilleur avec fonction de pivotement.
Chiffon microfibre pour elimination des saletes tenaces, resistant jusqu'à 500 lavages.
Carquois pouvant contenir un mouilleur, un grattoir, deux raclettes et 0,75L de produit de nettoyage.
Compose de :
Raclette avec caoutchouc soft
Mouilleur complet avec revêtement
Chiffon microfibre
Conditionnement:à l'unite
Arched windows add a distinctive architectural element, featuring a curved or segmented frame at the top. The arch provides a touch of grace and sophistication, highlighting the window's design.
Europrofile wood, triple layer 68x78 mm, in NORDIC PINE or exotic wood - MERANTI.
Insulated float glass + bottom - 24 mm.
Aluminum tear Gutmann.
EPDM seal.
ROTO NT hardware.
REMMERS water-based exterior paint resistant to mechanical shocks and UV, applied in 3 coats.
Le finestre lucernario uniscono esperienza pluriennale e tecnologie avanzate. Possono essere montati in quasi tutte le condizioni, con particolare attenzione ai luoghi con elevata umidità. Senza alcun ostacolo possono essere utilizzate come finestre da tetto per il bagno o la cucina. Sono caratterizzati da ottimi parametri di isolamento termico e acustico, ottima tenuta nonché sicurezza e comfort durante l'uso o il montaggio.
The Comfy Nest CN-AFD45WS: 2400W Double Basket Digital S/S Airfryer with Window - 9L offers a dual-basket design, allowing you to cook two different dishes at once with independent temperature and timer controls. This unique setup maximizes convenience and flexibility, making it perfect for preparing full meals quickly and efficiently. Equipped with Fry Force 360° Technology, this air fryer circulates hot air to create a crispy, fried-like texture with minimal oil, promoting healthier meals without compromising on taste.
This air fryer is designed with user convenience in mind, featuring a digital touchscreen with 10 preset cooking functions for popular foods like French fries, chicken, and vegetables. The dual viewing windows in each basket allow you to monitor the cooking process without opening the compartments, maintaining even temperatures and ensuring optimal cooking results. Additionally, the adjustable temperature (80°C-200°C) and a 60-minute timer make it easy to customize cooking settings for a range of recipes, whether you're roasting, baking, or air frying.
Safety and easy maintenance are integral to the CN-AFD45WS's design. With overheat protection and an auto shut-off function, it ensures safe operation during cooking. The non-stick, dishwasher-safe baskets make cleaning simple and efficient, while the air fryer’s compact design fits well in any kitchen without taking up excessive space. Combining functionality, safety, and style, the Comfy Nest CN-AFD45WS is an ideal appliance for families looking to enjoy versatile, healthier cooking at home.
Dual Basket Efficiency – The dual basket setup allows for two separate food items to be cooked at once, maximizing efficiency and saving time. This feature is perfect for preparing balanced meals with different components, like proteins and vegetables, without blending flavors or requiring separate cooking appliances.
Viewing Window – Equipped with a clear viewing window, this air fryer allows you to monitor the cooking progress without opening the basket. This feature maintains heat consistency while giving you full visibility, ensuring food is cooked exactly to your preference.
Fry Force 360° Technology – This advanced hot air circulation system envelops food with heat from all directions, creating crispy, fried-like textures with minimal or no oil. It helps maintain flavor while reducing fat, providing a healthier way to enjoy fried foods.
Touch Sensor Control – The digital touch sensor control panel allows you to set temperature, time, and cooking functions with a simple touch. This feature makes operation easy and intuitive, enhancing the fryer’s sleek and modern design.
10 Cooking Functions – With 10 preset options like fries, chicken, and vegetables, this air fryer provides one-touch cooking for popular dishes. Each preset is optimized to cook foods perfectly, taking the guesswork out of meal preparation.
Built-In Timer (0-60 Minutes) – The 60-minute timer allows precise cooking control for various recipes. This feature automatically stops the cooking process once the timer finishes, preventing overcooking and ensuring ideal texture and flavor.
Adjustable Temperature (80-200°C) – The adjustable temperature range lets you customize heat settings for different cooking methods, from baking and dehydrating at lower temperatures to roasting and frying at higher temperatures.
Auto Shut-Off When Basket is Removed – This safety feature automatically pauses the fryer when the basket is removed. It provides additional protection against burns and accidents, ensuring that the fryer only operates when the basket is securely in place.
Food-Grade Non-Stick Coating – The non-stick coating inside the basket is food-safe and makes for easy cleaning. This coating prevents food from sticking, enhancing the durability of the basket and ensuring quick cleanup after cooking.
Overheating Protection – Built-in overheating protection monitors the fryer’s internal temperature, shutting it off if it exceeds safe levels. This prolongs the life of the fryer and enhances user safety during long cooking sessions.
Eco-Friendly and Cost-Effective – Designed to be energy-efficient, the air fryer reduces electricity use compared to traditional ovens or fryers, saving you money and benefiting the environment.
Brand name: Comfy Nest
Materials: ABS, Glass, S/S
Color: Grey and Black
Power: 220-240v/50/60hz
Power Rating: 2400w
Capacity: 9L (2 Independent 4.5L)
Work Time: 0-60 Min
Temperature Setting: 80-200℃
Fry Force: 360° Technology
Cooking Function 10 One-touch Cooking Functions
Automatic Shut Down: Yes
Overheat Protection: Yes
Food Grade Materials: Yes
Non-stick Coating: Yes